Thursday, March 01, 2007

Funnily enough, it’s exactly what my Vocational Assessment Test predicted

Here are some jobs to make one's parents proud.

First, Gloucestershire CCC, of which I am a member, introduce us to one Wraye Wenigmann, who is the Women’s Officer for the German Cricket Federation.

Having taken a few moments to absorb the full import of that prestigious title, meet Michael Knott. He’s just landed a role playing John Prescott’s arse.

"I'm a bit of a fatty but my bum's pretty pert. It's quite smooth and not hairy or pimply. I look after it by giving it a dusting of talc each night,” boasts Michael, 54.


Susan's Husband said...

I (and other sadistic thugs) used to tease one co-worker that his skills were so bad he should concentrate on becoming a "stunt butt". Glad to see that advice wasn't completely unrealistic.

erp said...

"... at the end of the meeting their was discussion ... ." Tsk tsk. I didn't know the schools in the UK are as bad as those in the US.

Brit said...

This is why the web is great. Not only can a resident of Florida be induced to read a story about the Women’s Officer for the German Cricket Federation visiting Gloucestershire County Cricket Club, she'll even proof-read it for you.

erp said...

brit, old editors never die, they just fade away to sunny Florida where they're condemned to proof read through eternity and beyond.