Thursday, April 19, 2007

Duck v Appleyard (and David v Brit)

I'm off to London for the day to meet up with long-time friend and occasional foe David Cohen.

So I won't be contributing to this thread on Bryan Appleyard's blog, but you might want to: it's shaping up to be very interesting indeed.


Ali said...

I was supposed to be in London this week. Instead I've got the client from Hades to pacify.

Anonymous said...

Will you be posting pictures?

David said...

Ali: Too bad you couldn't make it. A good time was had by all.

Duck: Not. A. Chance.

Anonymous said...


Was he wearing a baseball cap and holding a book on neuroscience with no pictures and a lot of really big words? Yeah, that was David.

Anonymous said...

Are you bringing back the Appleyard books?

David said...

Peter: I did get to use the phrase "Hegelian dialectic."

Duck: Yes, I hope to, though I haven't bought them yet.

Brit said...

Yeah, it was all polite chit-chat til David managed to pack the womenfolk off to a show, and then out came the Hegelian diaclectic and the Judeo-Christian tradition before you could say "Darwinism is trivial".

It was a great evening. David talks a lot faster than he blogs, but maybe that was just the unique pint of Guiness/bitter lemon chaser combo.

Ali: Pity - next time, then.

David said...

It has become almost impossible to get Bitter Lemon in the states. It's a miracle I'm not spending the entire week in a pub swilling down the stuff.

Ali said...

Drink some Irn Bru before you go.

It's the UK's answer to the sweet nectar that is Mountain Dew.