Monday, October 09, 2006

The Getaway

On the day that the North Koreans test nuclear weapons, the BBC also brings us this:

Singer Chris de Burgh has said he has healing hands which have "helped reduce pain" for people with injuries.

"We all have the facilities within our hands to feel other people's pain spots," the Irish star told BBC One's Heaven and Earth programme.

He said his musical work meant he was "connected very strongly" to his hands.

"A guy I met one time - he'd hurt his leg badly in a golfing accident," the 57-year-old, whose hits include Lady in Red, said.

"He was in serious pain, just below the knee, and I felt the area above had been traumatised. I started feeling and I'd say within 20 minutes, he was walking again.”

And who can blame him? I’d run over hot coals on two broken ankles to get away from Chris de Burgh’s ‘healing hands’.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that's how Bill Clinton came up with the catchphrase "I feel your pain". It didn't work so well with Paula Jones, though.

Maybe he's channelling this guy.