Monday, July 05, 2010

6 Music

The BBC has given 6 Music a death row reprieve but Asian Network is still for the chop. There was a general conspiracy theory around that the Beeb never had any intentions of cutting 6 Music in the first place, but were just using the threat as a smokescreen for getting rid of Asian Network without looking too racist. Quite plausible, as conspiracy theories go.


  1. Willard1:25 pm

    Quite a Guardian 'too' you use there, Brit. Makes you sound like you think they were axing Asian Network for racist reasons... Not like you. Not like you at all... Are these new politics the reason for your new Guardianesque look to the blog?

  2. Joey Joe Joe Jr.1:38 pm

    As a big supporter of cutting BBC broadcasts I don't listen to and keeping BBC broadcasts I do listen to, I must say this is an excellent decision.

  3. I support totally our dear BBC, would not hear a bad word spoken agin' them, why last night BBC three showed a documentary about engineers, I wonder who told them that we existed.
    However their news programmes are still a nest of venomous reptilians.

  4. Joey Joe Joe Jr.4:35 pm

    Are you sure this wasn't BBC4 malty? The closest thing to engineering last night on BBC3 I saw was Bizarre ER, which documents the humorous consequences of people impaling themselves with the everyday objects. That said, I downloaded the Rolls Royce jet-engine documentary, not sure which channel it's from though.

  5. BBC2 JJJJ, can't tell me three's from me two's and an excellent documentary it was, the way manufacturing used to be, pre 1970's. Hope you saw it, Clegeron.
