Monday, July 05, 2010

Change is not good

Do you like my new look? Never mind, you'll get used to it.

A 'The Lanes' link has been added to the sidebar for ease of access to some rambling nonsense. More great and small changes will be coming soon. We live in exciting times.


  1. Very Laura Ashley, personally I would have preferred a Louis Vuitton patterned background, matching our new acquisition, a Louis Vuitton IPad case.
    I jest of course, it was only a Lois Vuitton tool belt.

  2. How do you like it in grey? Bit more businesslike?

  3. aieeee! my eyes! they burn!

    nah, not really, I'm down with the farrow and ball shades. I feel safe here.

  4. Willard12:03 pm

    You need something naked and in brass at the top of the page.

  5. Oh yes I should add: thanks to Willard for the Brit-ized pic for the Lanes feature.

  6. I'm with you worm, if it's good enough for the National Trust, it's good enough for blogers.

  7. What are ball shades? I expect you can buy them at CTP.
