Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Dead animal spotting update

Following the weasel/stoat controversy, I yesterday spotted another interesting dead animal on the lane. Any idea what this rodent is? A poor photo I'm afraid (for which no possible excuses given that the subject remained very still throughout the shoot) but it was small, perhaps two inches long, with a long nose.

Today I will be taking my family and my healthy interest in spotting dead animals to Longleat Safari Park, though that attraction is admittedly more famous for alive ones. I will also be attempting to spot herpes-infected monkeys, from a distance.


  1. Willard8:28 am

    My guess is a field vole.

  2. If it had a really long nose it could be a shrew.

  3. I see your field vole and raise you a shrew.

  4. Or a pygmy hippo on the boulder strewn lower slopes of Mt Kilimanjaro, after a night out with three gazelles and a brace of meerkats.

    Jim Clark used to race Singer Gazelles.

  5. My comment's disappeared from here. Same thing's happening on my site. Mysterious blogger bug.

    BTW I speculated 'shrew' but would need a better look at the snout.

  6. Shrew or vole?? A long nose sounds a bit shrew-like. It doesn't look very well, anyway. Maybe it died of gout which apparently is all the rage these days.

  7. Willard3:43 pm

    Well, I'm sure I've now identified it. I measured the ratio of the hind legs to the snout to the paws to the tail. I'm convinced it's this.

  8. I believe it to be some form of gigantic tree sloth, photographed from space.

  9. Thanks all, I think we'll go with...ummmm.... shrew.
