Thursday, April 01, 2010

If Man is five

If Man is five, then the Devil is six. And if the Devil is six, then God is seven.

This much is given to us directly in the text. But what are four, three, two and one?

“The Baldwin brothers, in that order!” some wag might quip. Ignore him, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. This is a serious question and scholars have long debated it. Ignore them too, because the answer is that the Monkey is four, the Horse is three, the Chicken is two and one is the Dungeness Crab.

Surprisingly, or perhaps not, John Portsmouth Football Club Westwood is eight.


  1. heehee, great song and great bloggery!

  2. Willard7:00 pm

    And 9?

  3. It's immensely impressive the way you do that blue link thing.

  4. I put cats at a tie for six.

  5. That's my funeral song. According to Mrs Boyo, who will have some say in this.
