Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hobson’s Choice

For family logistical reasons I have in recent weeks been sometimes required to cadge a lift to work in the morning with either of two colleagues. One of them listens to Chris Moyles on Radio 1. The other listens to Chris Evans on Radio 2.

I really cannot decide which DJ I like less; but I would like to express in the strongest terms my dissatisfaction with the BBC for installing in the breakfast slots of the nation’s mainstream radio channels the two most annoying people called Chris in the history of broadcasting.


  1. Take up shooting Brit, you never know you might get the chance to really let off some steam.

  2. Willard10:18 am

    Evans. He replaced Wogan. It's now also the best reason to hate Graham Norton.

  3. I hate it when the internets throw up a question on which I have no opinion. Luckily, I feel strongly that Chris is a freakin' genius, a truly revolutionary broadcaster as anyone with ears should know, while Chris is a waste of air that would be better spent listening to George Bush chat with Gordon Brown on "How to buff your public image."


    wv: fricatie: Now obsolete, fricatie comes from a middle English term for the grilling of feral cats ("And many a fricatie hastow soold/That hath been twies hoot and twies coold." Chaucer, The Cook's Tale). By the 19th century it had come to mean, by analogy to the Scottish custom of grilling a live cat, the regret at having accomplished a difficult unpleasant task that could not under any circumstances have turned out well ("I could not shake the feeling that, although glorious in many respects, our war with the Boers was something of a fricatie" (Winston Churchill in a letter to his mother, October 23, 1899).

  4. Sean - yes, take it out on the squirrels.

    Willard - yes I think I agree with you, though Evans has better music than Moyles I suppose.

    David - superb. How useful it would have been to have the word 'fricatie' for those long debates...

  5. Having to choose between CE and CM is akin to being asked if you prefer a Greggs pasty or a Greggs pie.
