Tuesday, March 30, 2010

We're men. Men who like cupcakes.

The ever-vigilant Worm points me to yet more evidence that the cupcake movement started on this blog has jumped the shark gone to Prestatyn.

Butch Bakery in New York proclaims the following Mission Statement:

Our objective is simple. We're men. Men who like cupcakes. Not the frilly pink-frosted sprinkles-and-unicorns kind of cupcakes. We make manly cupcakes. For manly men.

I imagine the Butch Bakery boys intend the above to be uttered in a booming bass Voice of God. In fact, it is impossible to recite it without turning camper than Larry Grayson and Alan Carr in a two-man tent. In fact, it couldn't be camper if it concluded with "Now chase me!"


  1. ooooh, you are awful, but I like you

    I wonder if they make a muffin that tastes of sheds.

  2. Butch meets buttercream in our chocolate beer cake with beer-infused buttercream topped with crushed pretzels

    Hmm. I think I see masculinity as a big tent with plenty of room for sprinkles and unicorns.

  3. I always thought John Inman was the ne plus ultra of campy delivery.

  4. Oh, c'mon, they don't even deliver to the Bronx, much less Staten Island. Or, heaven forbid, New Jersey. Nice website, though.

  5. Their website leaves me uttering just one word: "overcompensation". Think Rock Hudson, Raymond Burr, Peter Wyngarde...
