Friday, August 14, 2009

I spoil you

Reports of this blog's death are greatly exaggerated. I've had some sleep and will be roaring back into action soon. In the meantime, I spoil you with this:


  1. I'm just back from Shropshire and no internet access. Many belated congratulations on your joyous news, Brit. Let the adventures begin and please let us have a pic of her first smile in due course.

  2. Thanks Sophie!

    And yes, worm, we have bought or been given enough wee little hats, vests, sleepsuits and other cute fiddly things to clothe a baby army, if you can imagine such a thing.

  3. I can imagine it completely - my lady friend takes it upon herself to buy the babies of her friends mountains of kinderparaphernalia. Perhaps I should start a business selling the stuff

  4. Stephen Fawcus5:23 pm

    She's a cracker Brit, congratulations. All she needs is a Liverpool FC shirt.

  5. Thanks Stephen....But haven't you read Dawkins? Such indoctrination into a religion is equal to CHILD ABUSE!
