Thursday, August 13, 2009

And blogging stops...

...said David below. I refute it thus, but posting will most certainly be light for a few millennia/days (I can't tell the difference anymore). Fortunately I write rapidly and without proofreading, so there may still be missives.

Last night was Charlotte's sixth but her first at home. Mrs B has got somewhat used to the experience in hospital. My eyes were opened, in every sense. Well nobody said it would be easy, but also nobody said anything about the graphic, reality-bending anxiety nightmares about dead babies. At 4am I experienced what can only be described as a 'waking dream'. Dear me.

The world righted itself this morning however and I read aloud to Charlotte from Boswell's 'Life of Samuel Johnson'. She showed no signs of enjoying it but it soothed me to sleepfulness and more reality-bending. BRIT. 'Madam, are you weary?' CHARLOTTE. 'No, Sir, I am not'. 'Have you moved your bowels, or are you to some Degree famished?' CHARLOTTE. 'No, Sir, not that.' 'Are you gaseous then?' CHARLOTTE. 'Again, Sir, you mistake my meaning'. 'Then I am at a loss, Madam. To what purpose or intent do you grizzle thus?' CHARLOTTE. 'It is not for me, Sir, to make plain the topick of my communication, any more than it is for the Dog to explain his bow-wow-wow. The intent and the expression of it are One and the Same.'


  1. what a shame that we shall be deprived of your excellent writing!

    can't think why you'd think your new-born daughter was more important than a bunch of anonymous blokes on the internet.


  2. How well I remember sneaking over to the crib at odd moments because I couldn't quite convince myself (despite literally billions of counter-examples) that all these new parts would just keep on working together without my supervision.

    How well I remember my wife, the medical doctor, laughing at me.

  3. Forgot to mention the nightmares. Sorry.

    I think it was a full two weeks before I came to grips with the idea that my son wouldn't spontaneously catch fire and could go on breathing in his sleep without me watching him.

  4. Thanks chaps, you console greatly.

  5. And she's a fine conversationist already - nice work!

  6. Pull yourself together man, like a true Englishman, at least I think you're a true blue Englishman. Why in my day I can remember mater hollering to my sister "Nellie, for fuck sake go and see if the little sods still breathing"
    New millennium man, I don't know, out comes the feminine side.

  7. Ah Malty, times have certainly changed. It's been an age since anybody has been called 'Nellie'.
