Wednesday, July 15, 2009

So I made a nursery

Mrs Brit 1, Assorted male imaginary blogfriends 0


  1. not nearly enough barbed wire

  2. Anonymous5:33 pm

    Lovely - when's he or she due again?

  3. I love the deep sea radiator.

  4. I rather like that - wouldn't mind a bedroom wall like that myself...

  5. The predominant colour hints that the male line will be maintained, or not, the aquatic theme reminiscent of 20,000 leagues under the sea.
    Sooo..its a boy who will be a mariner or sing in HMS Pinafore.

  6. Friday week, God help us, Elberry - though could of course appear at any time.


    The photo doesn't do it justice, lads, honestly. Further round there's a dolphin, a treasure chest, various seahorses and all sorts of other marine rubbish.

    And Dick - since the photo we've added a sublime comic touch... a stream of bubbles emanating from some unseen beast behind the sea-radiator...tee hee. I'm going to move in there, it's great.

  7. Anonymous6:35 pm

    Well done, indeed. Good thing you had such fun because Mrs. Brit may ask you to re-do the whole thing in six months on the grounds that the little one is obviously too old for it and a loving father wouldn't want him/her to be embarassed in front of friends. Or that the beast behind the sea-radiator is giving him/her nightmares.

  8. Lovely.

    Blimey, you're creative: hand-painted! I look forward to the Horatian Ode 'Upon Little Brit's Arrival in Bris'.

  9. Yeah, all hand-painted Gaw (apart from a couple of stickers, but you can hardly see those).

  10. Anonymous10:15 pm

    In honour of Mrs. Brit, I think it must be pointed out that, as maddingly irrational and humorous as the metaphysical world of an expectant mother may be, if it were all left to us, our children would grow up in rooms decorated in basic drywall.

  11. Anonymous10:53 pm

    An interesting kind of protective magic, painting a room like that, for someone in particular. It was a good idea to do it.

  12. Later on you can introduce Moby Dick, Nessie, The Kraken, etc, to prepare him for the responsibilities of manhood.
