Friday, February 17, 2012

And lastly, Apple

Oh yes, and I hereby predict that much sooner than you think, all Apple products will come to be seen as irredeemably naff. Too many annoying people praise them too much.


  1. mahlerman7:50 am

    I'll just say this...try one. You'll never go back. And think of the bonuses. You will get invited to parties attended by people like Will Gompertz and Stephen Bayley. But wait, it gets better; you will get just the odd dribble of spam, and even that dribble will be Cialis ad's.
    You probably already have mobile or a music-player (tho' I doubt a tablet)..keep the 'family' together with a nice silver lap-top. Only £2K

  2. This, of course, means war.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Already is Brit, already is. I live in an Apple household and stand out with my PC. My nearest and dearest think I'm from an entirely steam-driven age. What could there be to like about a PC apart from it being a third of the price; doing everything you could reasonably expect it to do; linking and synching with all and sundry machinery, eben to the - whisper it - extent of machinery not sharing the same manufacturer; being easy to fix if things go wrong; and the availability of free or cheap spam filters does my sifting for me. Admittedly there not as pretty, but there also not promoted by that old fraud S.Fry or manufactured by the world's most valuable and scarily cult-like company.

  5. I have drunk the Kool Aid.

    But that probably just proves your point.

  6. I have an iPod but in fact I've always found the minimalistic style - ie. the lack of buttons/keypad - slightly irksome. I use both PC and Mac at work and just seem to be more at home with good old crash-able Microsoft.

  7. Because you can pick from multiple manufacturers, you can have a very pretty PC if you want. I have seen some other amazing neon-lit cases which you can find with a bit of netsearching.

  8. Skipper:

    Businesses watch our buying preferences like hawks, knowing that when you and I switch to a hot product, it's a sure sign that it's done.

    Sorry to break it to you like this.
