Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Papandreou's Unforgiveable Sin

Could anything be more revealing of the true nature of the Great European Project than the Markozy reaction to Papandreou, who has broken the iron law of Pan-Euro politics: whatever you do, don't ask the people what they think.


  1. Could anything be more revealing of the Ruritanian side to Greek politics than the admission by Papandreou that he was just kidding and terrified the whole world just to stick it to his Opposition?

  2. I wouldn't write off the third Papandreou in three generations to be Greek PM. I suspect he knows a thing or two about power. Even if he does eventually get kicked out I'd suggest he would have been even more likely to get kicked out if he'd taken a different course of action.

  3. These Socialists really must drop the hereditary principle and chose a leader who's not related to someone their dad knew. It just doesn't work like that anymore.

  4. On your recommendation, I took a look.

    The 'Yard recently "reviewed" Stephen Pinker's latest book, "The Better Angels of our Nature". The second sentence gives away the game: he hasn't even cracked the spine.

    Great work.

  5. Skipper - Gray is a personal friend of the Yard, which might explain why he keeps supporting him even though Gray talks constant rubbish.
