Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ozzy's Coffee

Not having slept through a night for the last 15 months or so, I've got into the habit of drinking a pretty ferocious coffee at about 11am, by which time I will already have consumed a decent four mugs of tea. I find this keeps me going til my next cup of tea at about 3pm.

Given another 15 months or so, I might graduate to the Ozzy Osbourne method, as related in the ST the other week:

...the best way to wake yourself is to brew a pot of fresh coffee, then run it through the machine a second time using the old grounds. While you’re doing that, make an espresso. Then add the espresso to a mug of the double-brewed coffee. In my house, we call it a “red-eye”.

Anyone given that a go?


  1. Willard12:06 pm

    I think you should give it a go and report the results over at The Dabbler. Might make for an interesting feature.

    After drinking coffee regularly for years, I finally saw the light and I avoid the stuff. Now, if I drink anything containing caffeine, it keeps me awake for a month.

  2. Anonymous12:20 pm

    i sometimes wonder how many of the alleged effects of father/motherhood are due not to anything spiritual or emotional or what have you, but instead come down to the borderline psychosis induced by prolonged sleep deprivation.

  3. Willard - I think The Dabbler IS the results...

    Elb - you could be right. God knows it's irrational, anyway...

  4. Curiously, the only time I drink coffee is after dinner and sometimes at 11 pm (never am). No trouble with sleep, or red eyes though.
