Thursday, January 13, 2011


Over at The Dabbler I review the first installment of new BBC 2 comedy Episodes.

I had a bit of a sitcom moment myself the other day - could have been straight from an episode of Miranda. Our house is on the market so we're desperately trying to keep things in order, to fool viewers into thinking it's bigger than it is. Anyway, back from work and with 5 minutes to go before the evening's viewers arrived, I was hurrying around making everything ready (hampered the while by Brit Jnr's amiable pesterings) and had got it all pristine and perfect, when I remembered the plug-in fragrancy device in the dining room. So I scampered in, hit the switch and as I did so heard a sickening smash. Down I gazed in horror as a bottle of red wine, which I'd knocked with my big stupid clumsy boot through the back of its rack, emptied itself inexorably over the cream carpet.

I literally gasped in disbelief. That cannot just have happened. And there was the knock on the door. And here was Brit Jnr, gleefully tottering in to see what was the fun. What did I do? I did what anyone would have done in my predicament. I put a child's trampoline over the widening stain and legged it.


  1. first nige, now you - lets hope this isn't catching!

  2. Nice one Brit! Take a tip for yr next house - no carpets...

  3. "could have been straight from an episode of Miranda"

    No it couldn't. Your moment made me smile.

  4. Anonymous5:59 pm

    You should have left it and said nonchalantly, "the previous owners left human blood everywhere, i cleaned most of it off."

  5. If you hadn't panicked yourself into such a pathetic cover-up, you might have seen that the best response would have been to faux-confide in your guests about the trouble you and Mrs. Brit are having in teaching Brit Jr. how to hold her drink.

  6. Your post was funny, Peter's response hilarious.


    Word verification: shwaxer

    Definition: someone who shwacks the richly deserving.
