Thursday, December 02, 2010

You schmooze you lose

"Come on lads, schmooze! Schmooze like you've never schmoozed before!" cried Cameron, rallyingly.

But alas the last desperate Schmooze Offensive by Cam, Becks and Will was in vain, as the Russkies bought won the 2018 World Cup.

I don't think we should bother again. All that toadying to the fool Sepp Blatter (I always get him mentally mixed up with Silvio Berlusconi) and the various corrupt foopball types is very undignified.


  1. yep, - and anyway, by the time we have another chance we'll have just suffered an almighty olympic spending meltdown, so may not be up for much more of that sort of thing

  2. The best, and only way, we should respond to this farrago is in 2018, screw 'em into the ground. Then, and only then will honour be satisfied.

    Fat chance.

  3. Good choice from a business point of view.

  4. Talking of dignified - why is it that Cameron sounds posher than the Prince?

  5. Ah Sepp, if you thought the media was bad last week, wait till this weekend.

  6. Willard7:24 pm

    Susan, because he is posher than the prince. He's a true aristocrat. Prince William is merely royal.

    Brit, at least we can now call Jack Warner exactly what he is but I wish the media tonight would report what we're all thinking instead of talking about problems with out bid...

  7. Remember, every cloud has a silver lining. Now you can focus your efforts on beating Germany again.

    I nominate Beckham for fatuous sports quote of the year for this:

    "We wish Qatar and Russia the very best. They're two great countries and I'm sure they'll make Fifa very proud.

    Great countries?

  8. C4 news tried desperately to pin the blame on Thatcher then pinned the blame for the snow on the coalition transport operative and Susan you are right, royal whathisname sounded less coherent than Beckham, my god, down market from Dave and dumber than Victoria's weekend bonk.

    The lad will make an excellent king

    and cheers brown envelope Blatter.

    Eight years! gives the Chechens and Al-Qaeda lots of time to prepare.

  9. Will has definitely oik-ed down his accent in the way that Blair did over the years. A few people pointed out hat in the double-interview the other week, the middle-class Kate had a posher accent than the heir to the throne.

    Peter - and funnily enough that's one of the least fatuous things Becks has ever said. We was probably up all night composing that sentence.
