Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Bath Ales

Over at The Dabbler I interview the MD of Bath Ales, creators of Gem.

Oh and the other day I posted on Degas, Velazquez and nudes.


  1. I wouldn't say this over there, Brit, but it's really great to see you writing so passionate about a subject you clearly care so deeply about. I get the impression you might have written twice as much and still have stories to tell.

  2. Are you talking about the booze or the nudes, Stan? Either way, you're probably right...

  3. If Mr. Jones and Hare Ale have ever considered, or ever do consider, expanding overseas, a colleague and I would like to talk to him. We're researching the decision process of small firms trying to come to terms with doing business in another country/culture.

    (If anyone else has been through that process, we'd talk to you, too.)

  4. David, the decision is a straightforward one, unable to increase / maintain current turnover / profit margin figures with a UK only customer base, Only one direction to go. Research the realistic marketplace, in which of those countries can you best compete on price and delivery with the home grown competition, in you go. In 5 years I took my company from 0% to 60% of turnover export based.

    Apologies to Brit for borrowing his living room.

  5. Thanks Malty.

    Would you have any interest in discussing this off blog?

  6. David, Brit has my EMail address, would be a pleasure.
