Friday, November 26, 2010

Window rant

In the North Devon village of Braunton I spotted this extraordinary display in the window of a local resident. It consists of a barely coherent rant about, I think, immigration. Alas, I suspect its author is of an age where blogging came too late, so he's stuck with sticking his views to the window and relying on passing trade. More or less the same as blogging, but without the Americans.


  1. Willard6:09 pm

    Possibly the single most wonderful thing I've discovered via blogs in a very long time. I'm also delighted because I think you've found the person who has been sending me emails recently...

  2. That is absolutely fantastic, a work of some genius, ones own internal, wailing wall. I shall begin mine forthwith, anyone have a pencil sharpener.

    PS, it's not Nick Cohen's house is it?

  3. amazing 'outsider art'!! Tracey Emin must be jealous

  4. The blackboard trend hasn't reached North Devon yet then?

  5. Sad.

    The realization that anything "american" is only displaced Europeanism.

    Or perfectly placed.

    "Look. It's not our fault we only 'found' the place. Then populated it. Then instilled our values [see: colonialism.]"


  6. Not sure I follow you there, AnnoyingJoe.
