Thursday, November 04, 2010

What will be for tea at Chief Trading Post

"Buns" is what.


  1. This is obviously some form of dark chicanery and what is being hinted at is that later on they will be serving up somebody's pet rabbit on a skewer

    word verification today is Pratio: a badly nailed together modular bright greenish-yellow wooden veranda purchased from Focus that now covers the other half of the garden not already consumed by the trampoline

  2. Yes, my thoughts too, Worm. Very suspicious those inverted commas.

    I always hated the word verification and thought it strictly a necessary evil, but I think now I'd miss the daily word suprises...

  3. mahlerman5:35 pm

    Looks to be a Bristol fetish - over in Westbury at Buns in the Oven, they specialize in fancy cakes and who knows what else?

  4. In the spirit of "all possible permutations exist on the internet", the "blog" of unnecessary quotation marks.

    wv: dessly -- of or characterized by dess; to act in the manner of an overeducated Frenchman; snotty.
