Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Mrs B took this picture of me and Brit Jnr on Saunton Sands with her phone the other month. Isn't it great when you fluke a really good photo?


  1. Brit Jnr looks a fine figure, striding purposefully as he is.

    Very good photo, Brit, and I'm amazed it cam from a phone. Imagine what she could do with a Hasselblad? I think you're in for some serious photographic expenditure.

  2. The argument I will make, R, is that this proves you don't need to buy expensive cameras...

    Brit Jnr is actually a She (Charlotte), but yes she's been striding purposefully since 10 months (she's now 14 months).

  3. Willard11:58 am

    Great photo, Brit, but I agree with you that it's more about the opportunity than the equipment. The light, clouds, and wateriness of the sand make this work.

  4. very very good! a picture to treasure thats for sure.

  5. What an extraordinary photo!

    I find the great thing about phones is that there's always one handy - certainly not the case with a camera, at least as far as I'm concerned.

  6. possibly why the krauts refer to their mobiles as 'Handys'?

  7. Excatly - photography is largely a matter of opportunity, and of taking lots of rubbish ones to get one flukey good one, so mobiles are perfect.

  8. The great thing about digital is you just take a 100 fotos and you know you are going to get 8 good ones, 1 really good one and one outstanding one, thank god film is dead or at least dying I will not mourn its passing.

    Not Bad btw

  9. Brit, Brit, Brit, if it had been you who took the picture, you might have convinced us it was all happenstance. However...

    Seriously, there are thousands of pictures on our cellphones and digital cameras here at home, but none of them can touch that one. But then, Rembrandt had better brushes than we have.

  10. Very evocative photo, Brit - lovely to have captured such a beaufiul moment in time.

  11. Of course she is Brit. Many apologies. The pink hat and the fact that I knew she was called Charlotte should have given me a clue, God bless her.
