Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The wrong Miliband

...isn't he? Time may prove me wrong but I always thought - well, felt really, based on blogger's intuition - that David was the only viable candidate and that there's something not quite right about that Ed.

Others think it's the other way around, mind, and that David is the creepier geek. But I was most impressed by the way he shushed Harman when she idiotically clapped Ed's Iraq hand-washing. A glimmer of principle in the murk of the current Labour party.


  1. Willard10:25 am

    I agree completely. David looks the part but can't deliver a coherent message. Ed looks like he's in somebody else's body but does better in interviews. Ed is a cartoonist's dream.

  2. An impressionist's dream too, since Cam and Clegg are a little featureless. Ed has a notably annoying voice.

  3. Willard12:26 pm

    Agreed. For want of a better description, he speaks as though he's a little deaf.

  4. That's it exactly. And has a cold coming on.

  5. Willard2:28 pm

    Q. Letts describes him this morning as sounding like he has a mouthful of prawns.

  6. There isn't a right Milliband

  7. Simon8:22 pm

    Am I the only person who thinks Ed looks like Milhouse with his glasses off ?
