Thursday, September 23, 2010

Warwick Avenue

When I get to Warwick Avenue, meet me by the entrance of the tube. (Avoid the District, there’s problems on the line.) I’ve built a machine that will blow, as it were, your mind. When you get to Warwick Avenue bring safety goggles, and a tube of superglue. We’re doing everything we said but then did not: it’s quite absurd that you only get one shot.

We’re going back by reversing Time, baby. There’ll be fewer Starbucks and no ITV 2. We’ll get a grip on it this time, baby, almost exactly like we didn't do. And all we have to do... is ride the Bakerloo.

Then when we get to Warwick Avenue, we’ll emerge in 1992. We’ll live it again, the whole way through; only this time around we’ll have a clue.


  1. ahh Duffy. The Poundland Amy Winehouse

  2. Both Duffy and Amy are being a bit tardy in bringing out new stuff, aren't they?

  3. Willard1:26 pm

    Damn. Not having heard this song, I thought you'd turned the lyrics into prose and I was about to change my opinion of Duffy. Sadly, it wasn't to be. Bland bland lyrics when I was hoping for a song about superglue.

    You should contact her management, Brit, about writing her future lyrics.

  4. It's a new hobby I've invented, Willard. I thought it was a lovely tune but the words didn't do what I wanted them to, so I wrote some better ones.

  5. The acoustics in the cab are perfect, must be one of those anechoic cabs, bring back Judy Tzuke, that's what I think.
