Monday, September 13, 2010

Sundry Tribulations #867

Isn't it rubbish when you go to the place in your home where your booze is kept, and discover that you have considerably less in stock than you were banking on.


  1. Yes - ditto the cupboard that's supposed to be full of chocolate

  2. Hm well chocolate...with Mrs B around I'm lucky if I get a twenty-fourth of a bar (or whatever fraction one piece of the big Dairy Milks is).

  3. I think it's a sign of great maturity to have a 'stock' of booze. With us it's only been relatively recently that bottles have stuck around long enough to be considered stock.

  4. Charlotte showing her precociousness again? Generations of Cohen fathers have known what it meant when the alcohol stock is mysteriously lower.

  5. This is why amateurs talk about strategy, while professionals focus on logistics.

  6. I bet you and Garth are the types to stash your best booze at the back of the bottom cupboard in the kitchen when you host a party?

    And while you are think of new hiding places for the xmas period make a mental note "never buy a house without a cellar"

  7. Who is this 'Garth' you keep talking about, Shaun?
