Thursday, July 15, 2010

Terrible blow for warmists

...Prince Charles is on board. And thus the zeitgeist disappears over the horizon.


  1. The PoW, champion of yer homeopathy, derides people 'for peddling "pseudo science"'. That's what you might call "pseudo thinking".

  2. I'm fascinated by Charles. I'm also deeply ambivalent about him, he's both admirable and deplorable, priveleged yet trapped.

  3. If he lives long enough he will become a unique and quirky treasure. If he doesn't he'll be remembered as a useless crank.

  4. Although funnily enough my own comment about the zeitgeist is unfair. Charles was ahead of his time on organics, local produce etc.

  5. global warming's gone to Prestatyn.

    which, on balance, is probably what Prestatyn has been praying hard for

  6. Poor old Chas, pampered pet, he who will not be crowned yet has a crown with a jewel in it, the princes trust, really works, a model for others to follow, for this alone he should be applauded. For everything else, well, the poor chap lost his remembering head.
    Bloody awfull taste in clothes.

  7. "...Prince Charles is on board." for one second I thought he was joining up with Robbie, and the rest of Take That for a 90's redux. What a relief its only global boring.
