Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Local Hero

Watched Local Hero the other night, which I hadn't seen since I was a kid. If I had a top ten of films, which thank God I don't, Local Hero would now be in it. I could happily have watched it again straight away, but it was really late - like, 10pm or something crazy like that.

Much of the rest of my top ten, if it existed - which it most certainly doesn't - would consist of the movies of Wes Anderson. He must surely owe a debt to Local Hero in terms of tone. "We have an injured rabbit also" could easily be a line from Rushmore or The Royal Tenenbaums.


  1. I'd never thought of it before, but The Life Aquatic, which I (possibly alone in the universe) love more than all the other Wes Anderson films I've seen, is comic in a Local Hero kind of way too

  2. If I had to choose one I might well go for The Life Aquatic myself, Z, so you're not alone.

  3. Bottle Rocket is by far my favourite Anderson film, as it doesn't try too hard to be whimsical, it just goes for off the wall laughs

  4. Personally I've never felt the subsequent Anderson films try too hard to be whimsical (whereas for example Tim Burton sometimes does - Big Fish etc). Anderson's great insight is that people really do talk mostly in non-sequiturs, especially when they're trying to be profound, and they really do do things because they're following a strange personal logic.
