Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Dabbler

Those of you who enjoy Think of England and other associated sites in this corner of the blogosphere will be very excited to learn of the imminent launch of The Dabbler.

The Dabbler - – is a new multi-contributor culture blog. Your pals Gaw, Worm, Nige, The Yard and I will be amongst those multiple contributors, along with numerous internet visionaries, luminaries, lunatics and special guests.

Over the coming weeks it will be launched properly in a swanky magazine format, probably using Blogger’s trendier cousin Wordpress.

But for now, you lucky Think of England readers can check it out in a nascent Blogger incarnation, including the very first post in which I select my 6 Clicks for the Endless Voyage (a feature). Subscribe, add it to your favourites, and remember you were there at the beginning; in a few months The Dabbler will be bigger than Dawkins.


  1. Crivvens, a mob handed blog, btw, we have that Picasso in the bog.

    Good luck and may Zog bless all who sail in her (is it a her? it seems male dominated)

  2. Thanks Malty, we will be counting on your commentary. You're right about the male-dominated bit but we're aiming to do something about that.

  3. Can I be one of your token gurls?

  4. Z - can you email me at

  5. Very best wishes for your new venture. Enthusiasm! I'm sure I'll be a keen reader.

    A little hard to work out the Dabbler's angle, take, overall bite, where you're coming from, etc. Please don't take this as criticism as it's not intended that way. Just curious about where you'll be planting your flag. I expect all will come clear in time.

  6. Glad you asked that, Mark.

    Imagine that Nige, Gaw, Worm and I are circles in a Venn diagram. The point were we all overlap will be the basic day-to-day business of The Dabbler. It is, I'm sure you'd agree, exactly what the web has been waiting for.

    However, we also hope to have plenty of carefully-selected guest posters to mix it up a bit. The Dabbler will reach the unusual, arcane and forgotten cultural parts that other Big Blogs are too blind or unimaginative to see.

  7. I see it this way, in alphabetical order....

    Brit...supplier of whimsy, pop culture stuff and in-house photographer, part time sports reporting and amateur philosophy, Dawkins baiting a speciality.

    Gaw...supplier of wise words, London correspondent and all matters Welsh, book reviewer, amateur philosophy and stuff about the Cotswolds.

    Nige...the anchorman, not I hasten to add in the mould of MTMs Ted Baxter, the blogs own one man countryfile, Oddie observer and reporter of all that butterfly stuff, and of course the nations No 1 source of who's dead etc.

    The blog, with this heady mix will become the place to be in the coming season.

  8. Seems you've got us nailed, Malty, though at least Worm appears to be elusive to you. Anyone who hasn't checked out Ruminant should do so - Worm has an uncanny knack for uncovering cultural oddities. I like to think of him as a young, warped version of Nige.

  9. Ah, the never-ending dream of profitable blogging.

    Best of luck

  10. Ha! We're all of us much too blog-experienced to be that naive, David. It's all about the glory.

  11. You plan to charge for this? Surely we aren't expected to cough up hard coin for a running series of reports on what we can buy at Chief Trading Post?

  12. You're right Brit, apologies to Worm, attention span sprung a leak, mine, not worms, middle of the comment, phones ringing, dogs barking, just seen the size of the electicity bill.
    Worm..has to be the voice of reality, the caution, the devils advocate, the knocker in of common sense, amateur philosopher, spare driver, rivet catcher.

    PS, if you allow a burd into the gang, can it be K.Wark?

  13. No it's going to be free.

    We've just signed up The Yard, but I don't think we'll be able to justify another paywall just yet...

  14. BTW, Chief Trading Post and similar Brit-business will continue to feature at Think of England. Our own blogs will continue as usual.

  15. heehee all very exciting!

  16. The season hasn't started yet and you've signed up another striker?

  17. At the moment we've got a squad stuffed with right-wingers, Malty.
