Wednesday, July 07, 2010


This is a heartening story. It takes a lot of skill and effort to undo the work of stupid, evil people, but we win.


  1. If only..talking to friends in Rothbury last night, the locals are scared stiff, of the gung ho, gun toting plod.

  2. Yes, Malty. Guns and police are not a good combo. I read in one paper that the SAS has been called in. Much better for them to treat it as a Bin-Laden hunt training exercise and leave the police out of it altogether.

  3. They are already there Sophie, for many years the SAS have trained at the Otterburn ranges, on Rothbury's doorstep and in Kielder forest, within spitting distance.

  4. With you all the way on that one, Brit.

    I do wonder why the police (and of course the press) are making such a huge rumpus out of this manhunt, however. It's a very unpleasant business but "armed criminal on the run" isn't that rare and doesn't usually involve thousands of coppers and the army. Maybe there is some hefty politicking going on in the background. Besides, why was such an obvious maniac released in the first place?
