Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Six steps

Brit Jnr took six steps yesterday morning, her personal best. At the moment all of her steps are gleeful, open-armed and aimed towards me. It’s very flattering, I’m making the most of it.


  1. Willard10:22 am

    'her personal best'

    So, Brit, we're one of those competitive dads, are we? All sounds a bit too Brendan Foster for my liking and much too track and field.

  2. they're never too young to start tennis training camp

  3. At the moment all of her steps are gleeful, open-armed and aimed towards me.

    Does she play forward for Germany?

  4. Willard12:48 pm

    I wouldn't encourage him, Peter. God knows what gold-medal ambitions these hot-housing parents have for their nippers.

  5. An enchanting time - make the most of it (sorry if that sounds cloying)

  6. It doesn't at all, Z, and thankee.

  7. That look I used to get from first daughter, when I picked her up from nursery, aged 2 or so. I don't think anyone else has ever looked at me quite like that, and I don't really expect to see it again. She'll be 12 in a few days and has already learned to treat Dad as more or less of a joke, albeit, for the moment, a nice one. The contempt will come, and no doubt quite soon: I don't expect it to be painless.
