Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Welcome to the Quantum Flux (official)

Politics eh? Bloody hell. It’s fair to say that this remarkably generous Coalition changes everything about the political landscape, and raises the intriguing possibility that, if it works, the Lib Dems might not be able to untangle themselves from the Tories at the next election, leaving a two-party system and Labour…where? Possibly very strong if they get it right. But in the meantime, did you see Newsnight? Was there ever such trio of prize turnips as Ben Bradshaw, Diane Abbott and Polly Toynbee, all lamenting the failure of the ‘progressive’ coalition. It’s come to something when Toynbee is the most sensible person on a panel. And I loved Cameron’s muted entry to number 10. It was the opposite of Blair, very retro. God knows how this is all going to work but it probably will.


  1. In 1997 we entered a long dark tunnel, today we stand at it's end, blinking in the sunlight, rejoice.

  2. fab foto with Sam standing pregnant behind Cam. Just so.

    Good luck to CamCo.

  3. Willard10:44 am

    First possibility is finally detoxifying the Tory brand. Hard to call it the 'nasty party' when the cosy Lib Dems are on board.

  4. Labour are the New Nasties. The red half of the 'progressive alliance' didn't want to progress very much, it seems.

  5. Willard12:06 pm

    We can only hope, Brit. Though, we've still got the old pattern of Labour treating us to a good time, overspending as they go, and the Tories arriving in power to reduce our debts by forcing us to live within our means.

    Just when they fix the system, we'll kick them out again and Labour will have money to spend on rubberised crèches for homeless Albanian mimes. It was ever thus...

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