Thursday, May 06, 2010

In Ilfracombe, hungover.

There’s a nice little new aquarium in the Devon seaside town of Ilfracombe which takes you down, tank by tank, from the source of the Taw to the sea and to Lundy. I’ve always liked aquaria, there’s a deep peace in those tanks. However, I can’t say I recommend a trip to Ilfracombe when you’re battling a hangover and a howling gale is blowing. If your head is fugged and pounding there are probably better trips. And there’s a decent possibility that a gull will steal your chips.

In Ilfracombe the shop shelves are spattered all with tat. The drizzle-sodden westerly will whip away your hat. The sea’s a touch too churning when you’re feeling out of sorts. The bolder of the tourists sport anorak and shorts. In Ilfracombe the cliffs are grey, the sea around them slops. Damien Hirst’s café/restaurant is a slap across the chops. In Ilfracombe the cliffs are grey, not white like those of Dover. In Ilfracombe, in Ilfracombe. In Ilfracombe, hungover.


  1. I agree with Gaw - if you get hungover often enough, you might have a whole Collected Poems to put before the world

  2. Willard9:10 am


  3. awesome - makes me feel seasick!

    Perhaps we could upgrade 'Ilfracombe' into an adjective describing a biblically-sized hangover

    'I'm sorry I can't come to your barbeque, it's just that I drank two bottles of Advocaat last night and now Im feeling pretty Ilfracombe'

  4. Thanks all. Worm - excellent idea, though I think I'd have it as a noun. As in, "Sorry if I'm a bit quiet this morning, I've got an absolute stinker of an Ilfracombe."

  5. All in all, I'd rather be hungover in Philadelphia.

  6. Joey Joe Joe Jr.11:54 am

    I was suffering a little bit from the effects of over-indulgance, but now I feel quite groggy.

  7. I read that using Betjemans voice, it gels perfectly, you are as one, symbiosis personified, keep your hands off Myfanwy though but.
    Keep up the good desultory, post inebriated lifestyle

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