Monday, May 03, 2010

Happy Birthday to me

Talking of daughters, for God's sake don't accidentally catch the new John Lewis ad if you have a young one, or an old one, or indeed if you are a human. A terrible cheap trick, reminding us about Time; and it uses that bloody Billy Joel song. If I wanted to well up and stifle sobs every evening I'd simply spend them listening to Handel and endlessly re-reading the last couple of chapters of The Leopard, thank you very much.


  1. Willard9:50 am

    LOL. Exactly the same reaction we had the other night when we saw it, followed by a mad scramble for the remote to turn the bloody thing off.

    I never understand why ad moron think it's clever to show somebody's whole life pass by in 30 seconds.

  2. Offsprings' birthdays are also cheap reminders of the passage of Time! Have a lovely day.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I quite like it, what gets me is
    Seeing the first wave of Swifts arrive over the weekend, I am always delighted to see them, and everytime I see them I know I am a year older, gentle regrets indeed.

  5. The really depressing thing about that ad is that she has to live her entire life dressed in and surrounded by the dreary tat that John Lewis has flogged her.

  6. willard - because ad morons are all 24 & childless and thus still immortal

  7. Happy birthday, by the way.

    wv: ovelertl. A medical gadget that displays the likelihood of conception.
