Monday, May 24, 2010


I don't have much to say about the all-round unpleasantness of the Fergie sting/entrapment, but I did wonder, following the similar snarings of Lord Triesman, John Higgins etc, just how many of these traps are set? Do these 'investigative journalists' (ha ha) have a 100% success record, or do we only see the hits, and numerous celebs refuse their dirty money? Is there, in other words, some good left in this world?


  1. Yes, it's unpleasant but, Christ, what a fool that woman is. Dimmer than a 10 watt bulb.

  2. Willard9:55 am

    I was having the same discussion last night but from the other angle: how much dirt are they missing? Or do they just get a tip off when there is dirt and go after it, therefore meaning they tend to get all the big stories.

    We need to know. The world is either a lot more corrupt that it appears, or a lot less.

  3. This trend started way back with a certain D Frost's interview in front of an audience with Savundra, whilst as evil a little scroat as ever was, he didn't deserve trial by media.
    It must be admitted that Fergie gives magnificent value for money, soft core in the sun involving tootsies, grab-a-buck dottie scams, right royal divorces, winds up Madge no end, breeds a few more of 'em so carrying on the tradition, it's all down to inbreeding, among the inner M25 plus the shires Appalachian tribe.

  4. I have to admit I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm not sure that you've occupied the entire spectrum, there at the end.

  5. I'd imagine the editors aren't keen on printing the misses...

    I'd guess it's case by case. According to the NOTW and greenslade in the graun, Fergie had done it before - maybe she was dobbed in by a businessman who didn't think she or Andy gave him vfm, who knows? She could just be the fall guy.

    The Terry case - which has also rather impressively included his dad being done for coke dealing and his mum for shoplifting - has lo9ng been said to be an inside job - ie someone in his circle ratting him out.

    Guess it also depends f you can get Max on your side, too...

  6. Loved every minute of it..500k for access to Andy, how on earth did they keep a straight face?

    It would be great if the press were stictched up collectivly, but who would run the story?
