Monday, April 26, 2010

Ronnie O'Sullivan misses, gives ball the bird

The snooker genius who hates snooker struck again in magnificent fashion the other day. This is just wonderful. Which of us hasn’t similarly heaped insult and abuse on some bastard inanimate object that absolutely refuses, through its own cussedness or because it is in league with the Devil, to cooperate?


  1. If you had to spend that length of time in downtown Sheffield, wouldn't you? The finest example of stuff rage of course is Basil's manic beating of his Morris 1100.

    Perfectly understandable, my mother used to kick hers daily.

  2. Willard12:24 pm

    Malty beat me to it. I was going to mention Fawlty. I'm sure there are countless instances of this in The Simpsons. I just can't think of one at the moment...
