Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Quoth the Wurzel

So The Wurzels have teamed up with the Conservative Party to bring down the inflation-plus-10% cider duty, the single most hated piece of legislation since the poll tax.

As documented here, I’ve had my run-ins with The Wurzels. It’s no surprise to see them meddling in the affairs of the state; they are a band of great and dark power. Warrior-Poets. Others have correctly observed that “When the moon shines on the cowshed” is the greatest opening line to any work of literature; and who can doubt the direct influence of “The Blackbird on Edgar Allan Poe? (For those who think the influence must be the other way about, remember that the Wurzels have been going strong since 1728, during which time they have played I’ve Got a Brand New Combine Harvester on some sixty or seventy million occasions).

No longer can I sleep at night, get peace of any kind,
That bird’ll be the death of me, he’s prayin’ on me mind!
If I chase him long enough, I’ll get ‘en by and by,
And celebrate me vict’ry with a girt big blackbird pie!

Cider tax? Nevermore!


  1. Willard10:39 am

    Pah! Warrior poets they may be but not like they were under the leadership of the late Adge Cutler.

  2. weirdly, a friend of mine turned up to dj at a party I was throwing in a field and he played quite a selection of wurzels records (amongst other things). Of course people were laughing at the irony to begin with, but very quickly we all started saying how surprisingly good alot of the tunes sounded. Things quickly degenerated into a Wurzels-rave. It was most excellent.

  3. All Wurzels records are driven by a chugchugchug beat, which precisely replicates the rhythm of a full tankard of cider swung by a pissed peasant in the back of a haycart being pulled along a bumpy lane by a knackered old mare, and which is irresistible for men, women, children and beasts o' the field.

  4. Very nice image there, Brit. The idiocy of rural life is truly to be cherished.

  5. I had you down as more a Perry drinking man Brit, or pear cider when you are ordering at Witherspoons.

  6. Ah welcome back, Sean. I'm into Bath Ales at the moment. Gem and Barnstormer are the business.

  7. me to brit, I've stocked up on a large amount of Gem - it's surprisingly refreshing compared to most other posh bottled stuff, which is all normally too bitter and hoppy for me

  8. Good man. The brewery is just down the road from me in Warmley (not Bath) - I must plug them and see if I can wangle some free booze for a change.

  9. No Brit, the finest brewery in all human history is just 10 minutes away by transit van.
    This is a link
    (as you can see from the awards, the South West has been vanquished

    Or here if you need fabulous food to go with your fabulous Ale.
    This is a link

    Blessed are the beardy beer makers : theres is most of my money.

  10. Oh to be in England, now that spring is here. Her we turn apples into ţuică - I'd like to see the government that could put a tax on that...

  11. GD..I thought that was plums?
