Thursday, March 18, 2010

If ebony and ivory…

...can live together in perfect harmony, side by side on my pyaano keyboard, O Lord, why can’t these alpacas on the alpaca farm* down the road from my office?

This film is my entry for the 2010 Yo! Sushi Award for Film and Sculpture Exploring Issues Around Identity in a Powerful Way. I feel that, in a powerful way, it explores issues around identity.

*not llamas on a llama farm down the road from my office, as I previously thought in my goddamn ignorance


  1. Willard9:46 am

    This makes for distinctly uncomfortable viewing. It's like some amateur alpaca porn movie. It's only missing some electric guitar.

  2. Excoriating stuff Brit, somewhat in the lineage of Shane Meadows or Lars Von Trier. Instead of primary schooling, this video should be looped, given an N-Dubz soundtrack, and then beamed directly into our children's retinas whilst we force feed them McCain's microchips and punch them repeatedly in the solar plexus

  3. I found the masterful cutaway particularly moving.

  4. Ah I'm glad you noticed that, Gaw, I'm particularly pleased with it.

    W and W: if you have the necessary skills to overdub a soundtrack, do feel free to create your own porno/Clockwork Orange-style brainwashing remixes.

  5. The rumble in the background adds to the effect too. It's either a storm, you inadvertently touching the camera's mike, or an alpaca scratching itself against a theramin.

  6. The howling of the ill wind, Gadj. It took a good deal of effort to get those £10,000 wind machines into the location.

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