Tuesday, February 09, 2010


Goddammit I can't stop singing Incey-Wincey Goat-Boy, creature of two realms.

Just so darn catchy...


  1. Incey-Wincey goat-girl, called Emmanuelle. Daddys bought some dynamite and blown himself to hell. Standing in the water, naked in the sun, Danny Auteull's a'goggling up and down your tum. Incey-Wincey goat-girl, bunging up the stream, don't you know the teacher sees you in his dream.

  2. Incey-wincey goat-boy munches through your hedge, gets into your garden and then roots up all your veg, looks at all your washing pinned up on the line with pegs, gobbles down your knickers and then pisses on your kecks.


  3. Incey-Wincey Malty, climbing up the Mount, owned a million pics of Ava at the last count, always eats his bratwurst with a knife and fork, loves going to Germany, but don't mention the Wark.
