Monday, February 08, 2010


Talking of head colds, which is better: paracetamol or ibruprofen?

And is one's preference determined rationally, emotionally or superstitiously?


  1. Willard3:29 pm

    Just getting over a head cold so you have my sympathy.

    I thought ibruprofen was for muscles.

    Anyway, I tend to take paracetamol but I'm told Anadin Extra is the way to go.

  2. They are both painkillers-- of the two, I find ibuprofen more effective. But as your doctor (which I am not) will tell you, everyone's different. If you have a fever, take ibuprofen. If you have aspirin sensitivity, try the other one.

  3. Cold probably brought on by weakened constitution caused by sleepless weekend sticking pins in doll marked 'J.Gray'
    Proprietary stuff useless, only guaranteed relief, not cure is,......
    1 x tumbler, pour large measure of whisky, add hot water, at least four times volume of spirits, 1 x spoonfull sugar. repeat as necessary.

  4. Joey Joe Joe Jr.5:55 pm

    As with most of life's conundrums, you can trust Nige to provide the answer. I used to opt for co codamol but got a little worried when I discovered it metabomolizes into morphine. I can't say I found it particularly moreish though.

  5. Oh, and avoid words with the letter 'g'

  6. Anonymous6:20 pm

    Excellent advice, malty, but you should have reminded Brit to heed the caution on the label: "Warning: This treatment should not be consumed with paracetamol or ibruprofen."

  7. In my case it's determined by which one my wife has managed to nick from her hospital.

  8. Treated aggressively, a head cold will go away in 72 hours.

    Ignored, it takes three days.

  9. Heh heh - spot on, Skipper.

  10. I think Ibuprofen works better with muscular type pain Or you could do no better than getting some tips by watching the Road to wellville.

  11. "I used to opt for co codamol but got a little worried when I discovered it metabomolizes into morphine"

    That's the only reason I take them.
