Thursday, October 15, 2009

This postal strike business

Could one make a case for it being the stupidest, least support-worthy industrial action ever, I wonder?


  1. ...even more stupid than the Great Royalty Strike of 1694, when the royal family went on a two week long dirty protest over a shortage of lampreys?

  2. Did the trick though didn't it Worm? And Brit you're overlooking the frequent strikes thrown by Bob Crow and his pals, bringing the London Underground to a halt. At least with the postal strike, most of us won't really notice...

  3. Bringing the London Underground to a halt is like shooting fish in a barrel...

  4. Never, bruv, strike! call that a strike!, bunch of big kids playing at being real men, shipyards went on strike in the seventies, because it wasn't the sixties.

    On a more sombre note, let it all happen, let's have one last thrash of the dinosaurs tail, include all of the govt employees unions, that will be the next move, lets introduce them all to the real world, reduce there wages, sack thirty percent of them, close down the post office, take education out of the council's grasp and give it to a group of intelligent people. Reduce doctors salaries by 50% (in Germany the average doctors wage is 40,000 Euro's)

    Lets have one last enormous stooshie and get 'em off our backs, placard anyone?

  5. And for goodness sake stop calling these people "front line services", they do a job, like anyone else.

  6. Malty:

    Yes, that phrase "frontline services", conjuring up jobs that under absolutely no circumstances should be stopped/cut/messed with.

    Apparently it's OK to cut the post of any public servant as long as they are not "frontline", which recently led to the ridiculous notion that schools should start getting rid of headteachers: useless, pen-pushing desk jockeys that they apparently are.
