Monday, October 26, 2009

Carrie Bradshaw my arse...

Ahem, I think you'll find Carrie Bradshaw had nothing to do with it.


  1. Anonymous4:18 pm

    Dr Gavin Smith, sociologist at City University London, thinks it is down to more than taste.

    "There is an alternative reality being constructed by people here.

    At least, there is at this site.

  2. You're right. It was the moment you bit seductively into a cupcake that my interest was perked.

  3. Brit. the cupcake industry owes you a debt of gratitude they could not possibly repay.

  4. In what way are the new 'cool' cupcakes better than the old cupcakes?
    Is there a preferred way of eating them? What clothes should I wear whilst eating them? What music should I be listening to?

    I need cupcake affirmation
