Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Emergency Agadoo

In the post below, David informs us that Black Lace's seminal 80s disco smash Agadoo has never reached America. I must do my bit to rectify this gross and inexplicable oversight immediately.

Your challenge is to watch this all the way through. And remember, this was not ironic, it was 'wacky'. Take this, Yanks!

(this is also revenge on Mike Nelson for making me watch 6 minutes and 45 seconds of hambone, which, he tells me, is an endurance world record)


  1. I LOVE AGADOO. In fact I instantly mistrust anybody who doesn't find it brilliant, especially as there is a bit when a pineapple starts playing the drums, which is just about as good as life gets in my opinion.

  2. I instantly mistrust anybody who doesn't find it brilliant, especially as there is a bit when a pineapple starts playing the drums

    Excellent. I shall call that 'The Will Test' and apply it to my acquaintances henceforth.

  3. Up there with Jonathan Kings Una Paloma Blanca and Jimmy Nails Crocodile Shoes.
    never bettered.

  4. Being American, I can't not view it through a lens of irony. Help!

  5. White men really can't dance. But aren't all y'all supposed to be obsessing about my President, and Mrs. Obama.

  6. Try doing the dance, Mike, it might help you get into the spirit.

    And it's no good, David, this just isn't that kind of blog at the moment...

  7. Holy shit. That's fantastic. My two kids this moment are running around the room singing: "To the left - to the right - push pineapple - shake the tree!" Does exposure to Agadoo under age six cause any lasting damage?

  8. I remember loving that when I was six. I used to call it the Banana song.

  9. Yes, Ian. Yes, I'm afraid it does.

  10. Wikipedia notwithstanding, you can't tell me that the guy on the right wasn't dragged in from the nearest alley at the last minute.
