Friday, April 10, 2009

Animal Collective

This is strange and beautiful.

It sounds like how I imagine people of the 19th Century would have imagined how music of the 21st Century would sound. Or maybe they thought the climax of Beethoven's Ninth was the climax of music. Maybe it was. Animal Collective still sounds like music of the future even in the 21st Century but so does Beethoven's Ninth.


  1. Ere, ere, that's Phillip Glasses Einstein on the beach mixed with a dishwasher tablet advert, Beethoven's ninth just sounds like a sorta, kinda, choral symphony really, with words by some bod called Schiller.

    O Freunde, nicht diese Tone!

  2. That, Malty, is unarguable.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Everyone knows the last word in music was Wagner's Ring Cycle, and no, Malty, that was not his jingle for Persil.

  5. And the fugue from the Hammerklavier is odd enough to try even the most patient Freunde.
