Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Pavement Panto™ 4: It’s official

Good news, everyone!

After all the street acting fun over the last week, I took a moment to drop Adam and Joe an email with my suggested name for the phenomenon. And guess what? They've officially adopted the term Pavement Panto™.

Quite right too.

If you listen to this week's podcast you can hear them discussing it, along with more very fine examples and a mention of your host, about 5 minutes in. Well done, everybody.


  1. Anonymous7:13 pm

    i remember them from, god, about 1994? - they were good, very odd people, clearly.

  2. Anonymous8:09 pm

    jesus are they still alive? my early years are still haunted by baddad at glastonbury

  3. Alive and kicking ass on BBC 6 Music, Saturday mornings, and of course via podcast - they're one of the top iTunes downloads. It's free and recommended as they're probably the only genuinely funny DJs around.

    Adam does a bit of acting these days - Son of Rambow, Hot Fuzz etc.

  4. Fame at last Brit, you will become an icon, I would have commented earlier but after reading Capt Bs article have spent the evening constructing a fall out shed.

  5. Way to go Brit!
