Monday, March 09, 2009

It's a birl

Thanks to the wonders of modern medical technology, we can confirm that Brit Junior is a girl. Unless she is a boy.

The only thing we can say for definite is that it's definitely not definitely a boy. It may still be a boy, but only possibly, since although you can get positive confirmation of boyness, you can't get guaranteed confirmation of girlness. All we got was a lack of positive confirmation of a boy. So it's probably a girl, unless it isn't.

So that's good to know.


  1. Conbratulations!

  2. Yep, well done, possibly mother and father of a probable boy, girl or perhaps, twins. Paint one half of the nursery pink and the other half blue.

  3. Or paint it blink.

  4. Anonymous8:03 pm

    Congrats! i hear girls are often easier than boys...

  5. Young girls are easier than young boys. Teenage girls are more difficult than teenage boys.

    Start here for a preview.

  6. Anonymous3:13 pm

    They're both wonderfully impossible. Big day. Congrats.

  7. Thanks all. The main thing was of course that all the important bits were working normally.

  8. Congrats! i hear girls are often easier than boys...

    As my wife metaphorized about our girl/boy progeny:

    Girls are to the space shuttle as boys are to paper airplanes.


    Congrats. There is one huge downside to having children: You will NEVER stop worrying about them.

    Still worth it, by far. However, that is the one thing I for which I was not prepared.
