Friday, February 27, 2009

It occurs to me...

... that I would be quite happy to go for the rest of my life without hearing another RnB artist urging me to throw my hands in the air ... like I just don't care.

I mean, come on - that one's getting old.


malty said...

I may have missed this Brit, who ?

Susan's Husband said...

Yeah, clearly "Word Up!" was the pinnacle of that and it's all been downhill ever since.

Brit said...

I dunno, Malty, some RnB geezer being played in the gym tonight. But it's a general point.

(By RnB I mean, you know, black American music, not rhythm & blues as in Joe Brown and his Bruvvers and their Skiffle Board and their Dog.)

malty said...

Joe used to have a brilliant hairdo, I used to emulate it, worked a treat, also quite hygienic. Crap music though.

Anonymous said...

What does it even mean to "throw your hands in the air like you just don't care"?
I would have thought the height of not caring would be to just sit with your hands lifelessly by your sides with a glazed expression on your face.

Brit said...

Yeah but that doesn't rhyme, Stephen.

Hey Skipper said...

What does it even mean to "throw your hands in the air like you just don't care"?

It provides irrefutable proof that the hand thrower does not know from a non sequitor.

Brit said...

Not that I'm an expert or anything, but I think the oft-used invitation is to throw your hands in the air... like you just dont care about societal conventions which dictate that throwing one's hands in the air is indecorous.

In other words, throw your hands in the air and stick it to The Man.

Mike Beversluis said...

Um, it means to dance around joyously without feeling self-conscious about it. Hence its alien nature.