Friday, January 09, 2009

Earth-shattering news

The reason I’m quite cheerful at the moment is that Brit Junior will be entering the world on 24th July (23rd was the previous due date but apparently it’s gone back a day since the scan. This, I suspect, is irrelevant pedantry since the little blighter will doubtless come whenever he/she pleases).

God help us all.

I did consider posting the picture of the three month scan here since it is the best picture in the world, but Mrs Brit vetoed this on the grounds that she wasn’t keen on sharing such intimate imagery with the blogosphere. I argued that only a small band of eccentrics and a procession of enraged Scotsmen* visit this blog but my protests fell on deaf ears.

I expect you can imagine it though – it looks just like every other baby scan picture, only infinitely more interesting.

*I will explain about the Scotsmen next week.


  1. Not sure which small band I'm in, perhaps you can add eccentric grandparents. Lots of love to the three of you. Mum xxx

  2. Yeah I'd say eccentric - your comment makes it look like the first you heard about the sprog was in a general blog announcement...

  3. Though we do of course thank you for it.

  4. Not at all the impression I wished to give. I thought saying nothing would imply disinterest!

  5. Anonymous7:16 pm


  6. Fantastic news, Congratulations!

  7. Any idea which flavor?

  8. Thanks guys - and too early to tell yet Skipper. I believe we can find out in 8 weeks.

  9. Now you know the source of the old (auld?) expression, "Like waiving an ultrasound in front of a Scotsman."

  10. Anonymous12:24 pm

    Hey, I just saw this. Hearty congrats to Mrs. Brit and you. Were I a materialist, I might surmise this had something to do with your new-found respect for religion, but of course I eschew such rote determinism and I know you contain multitudes, so I'm going with miracle.

    Now listen up, old swot. Time to tap into the wisdom of your elders. Never mind the pap you are fed in the pre-natal classes Mrs. Brit will doubtless frogmarch you to. Brit Jr. will not be "entering the world", you (pl) are not "expecting" and you will most definitely not be "co-birthing". Mrs Brit is having a baby and your job, inter lotsa alia, is to feign bonding, handle the mammoth hunting, take out the garbage and make her endless perfect cups of tea. Don't ever forget whose show it is. That this subsidiary role is the best thing that ever happened to you will be apparent in years to come, but perhaps not much before, so in the meantime I recommend you get your sleep, visit the gym regularly and keep a copy of Ecclesiastes close at hand.

  11. Thankee Peter, your wise words are much appreciated.
