Thursday, March 29, 2007

Some favourite philippics

Word of the week, brought to us by Mark, is 'philippic'. According to Harry, a philippic is basically a rant in verse format.

And as Harry correctly notes, you don't see too many of them these days...

...Except for on Think of England, of course! In a shameless piece of self-publicising, here are some ToE philippics of recent times, in case you missed them:

Philippic against chavs; against reverse art snobs; against gym culture; and against DIY.


  1. Anonymous4:41 pm

    DIY isn't a phillipic, it's a lament.

  2. Well, one man's lament is another man's phillipic, and one man's phillipic is another man's threnody, I always say.

  3. Anonymous4:49 pm

    I ordered a lament, and you delivered a phillipic? I'm not paying!

  4. Brit
    What will our next holiday game of Scrabble be like? phillipic, threnody, schlep and druther have entered my vocabulary via TOE. They are more likely to have entered your memory than mine, though, so you're on my team. OK?
