Friday, March 16, 2007

Reasons to be cheerful

The ever-readable Robert Crampton explains why we've never had it so good.

I concur, and here are some more reasons...


Anonymous said...

The link under "reasons" is banned by my company's firewall. Is it naughty?

Brit said...

It's English legend Ian Dury and the Blockheads, but without Ian Dury, who is sadly deceased. An unlegendary comic called Phil Jupitus is on vocals instead, but it's the nearest thing Youtube have at the moment.

Canals are one of Crampton's memes, along with all elements of grim northern industry.

Neil Forsyth said...

Fair enough. Objectively speaking, all the things Crampton lists are good. No doubt. But ... Oh, never mind.

Anonymous said...

It must be this link for another video on the sidebar:

Ian Dury and the Blockheads - Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll

The firewall won't let me visit Hugh Hewitt's blog either, and I can't figure out why. I'd love to see the algorithm.

Anonymous said...

Why so blue, Peter?

Anonymous said...

OK, I hate to rain on the Nirvana parade, but someone has to fact-check this stuff. It's the law of the Internet.

Military casualties come at a much higher political cost: in 1972, when I was my daughter’s age, 134 British soldiers were killed in Northern Ireland, exactly the number that have died in four years of war in Iraq.

I don't see this as a necessarily good thing across the board. It all depends on the conflict in question and what is at stake. A reflexive squeamishness regarding all military endeavors, no matter what is at stake, is just pain avoidance. As with dental problems, avoidance rarely makes the pain go away for good, and it often just increases the final pain tally.

Obesity, narcissism and living too long are much less serious problems than hunger, disease and not living long enough.

Except that narcissism is a major reason why people end up not being able to enjoy life. Inflated expectations and all that.

Good taste in matters great and small has percolated down.

This is satire, right?

Brit said...

So much for free will, eh Peter?

(Hope you're feeling better now.)

Hey Skipper said...


Get over it.

erp said...

Get better quickly Peter, you are missed.