Sunday, March 18, 2007

Around the blogs

A couple of TofE's favourites earn their Thoggers:

Bryan Appleyard ponders the legacy of Susan Sontag and incidentally makes the observation:

All airports aren't the same any more than all Gothic cathedrals are the same, indeed their surface similarity dramatises their differences.

This is the best kind of observation: something which is obvious but generally missed.

Meanwhile, Gordon McCabe writes a typically brain-bleeding piece on the Ultimate Question.


  1. Anonymous2:03 pm

    All airports may be different, but only in uninteresting ways.

  2. It's possible that that's mostly true, Duck, but Denver International and McCarran International in Las Vegas are very interesting - for an hour, at least.

  3. Re: Gordon McCabe, by brain started bleeding here - Mathematical structures exist necessarily because mathematical existence is merely absence from contradiction, and modern theoretical physics represents the physical universe as a mathematical structure, hence the physical universe exists necessarily as a special case of mathematical existence - and then the essay got technical.
