Monday, February 19, 2007

Loose screws

BBC 2 had a good programme last night about 9/11 conspiracy theorists. The principal ones featured were a loudmouth Texan radio jerk called Alex Jones, an ex-Philosophy Professor called James Fetzer, and a spotty youth who made a popular internet film, Loose Change.

They are all firmly convinced that 9/11 was an incredibly elaborate, deliberate plan by the US government to justify the Afghanistan and possibly Iraq wars. Worryingly, quite a few people seem to believe them. Jones was seen preaching to a large theatre audience, a-whoopin’ and a-hollerin’ as only Americans can.

The programme patiently debunked all the conspiracy theory ‘evidence’ piece by piece. But to my mind it failed in its duty to ask these geniuses the obvious question: if the US government is capable of contriving and covering up an intricate plot to kill 3,000 of its citizens and destroy two iconic buildings, why would it be happy to sit back and let a loudmouth Texan radio jerk, an ex-Philosophy Professor and a spotty youth expose the whole thing?


  1. Easy! Any good conspiracy theory adds a further layer in response to a challenge.

    In this case, there are two possibilities: either the US government is letting people expose that fact because no-one would ever believe they'd allow it; or the public conspiracy theorists are agents of the government anyway, spinning a decoy conspiracy theory while those who know the real truth are quietly assassinated.

  2. Truly, I am an amateur in the ways of the conspiracy theory.

  3. Martpol, good definition of moonbattery.

  4. Curious contrast between your conception of the BBC and Charles Johnson's. Of course, he hadn't seen it but was basing his statement on a print summary.

    Did I ever tell you about the guy who carved his favorite country singer's initials in his toenails with a chainsaw and who debunked the conspiracy theorists with a turkey roaster and some rusty scrap iron?

  5. Even George Monbiot (namesake of "moonbat") is more sensible than these conspiracy theorist. I don't have the URL handy, but he wrote about this and basically said that same thing as martpol's latter theory, the key evidence being that these guys are still alive, after exposing a conspiracy that has already whacked thousands of people.

  6. Harry:

    Ah yes.

    Previewing TV programmes you aren't going to see is even worse than reviewing books you haven't read.

    The Conspiracy Files show is all about debunking conspiracy theories.

    Mind you, Johnson might not have enjoyed it anyway, since there was a large dollop of a genuine British TV staple, ie: "Look at these crazy yanks, what will they think of next?"

  7. The "scrap iron & turkey roaster" guy melted the metal to show that burning jet fuel was hot enough to bring down the WTC, no explosives needed ?

  8. Here's the difference between the tranzis and their opponents — the latter admit openly when they're wrong.

  9. If you all enjoy this sort of thing, I highly recommend the Screw Loose Change blog.

  10. 'The "scrap iron & turkey roaster" guy melted the metal to show that burning jet fuel was hot enough to bring down the WTC, no explosives needed ?'

    Better than that. He showed that by scraping an aluminum airliner through a rusty steel building, you ignite the aluminum. It would have worked even if the planes hadn't had any fuel aboard.

    He's right, too.


    Johnson, after seeing the show, thought better of it.

  11. The turkey roaster guy is Carroll D. Sanders. I wrote about him at:

  12. That's an interesting guy. I hope that he wears safety goggles.
